Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Reward (feat. John Deaderick, Mai Bloomfield, David D.R. Robbins, Th...

The fourth single from Soundtrack For A Film Without Pictures, The Reward, is an excellent example of what can happen when you put the right players in "the room" and just let them do their thing. This track is really the Funkwrench Blues All-Stars, my dear friend and emotionally astute musician, John Deaderick, on all kinds of keys, another incredibly tuned-in and brilliant musician, cellist, Mai Bloomfield elevating my simple sketch of a melody to something otherworldly, my partner in crime and Junk/post junk Brother, David DR Robbins on bari sax and flute in an incredibly supportive and sympathetic role and last but not least the inimitable force known as Thomas Pridgen pumping the bellows on the drum kit. This is the point in the film where the hero gets the knowing and is about to embark on their return to share what they have learned. I hope it touches you. This song was also inspired by Andrew Hill's Illusion (Alternate Take), if you aren't familiar with it, check it out and let me know what you think. We will be resuming the Badass Blues Instrumental Series in two weeks with a wonderfully funky track featuring Will Bernard so, stand by for that. And in the meanwhile....

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